

刘雪蕊,3044am永利集团欢迎您旅游学系硕士生导师,美国饭店业协会教育学院(American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute)注册高级教育导师(Certificated Hospitality Educator)。香港理工大学酒店与旅游业管理学院博士,英国萨里大学(University of Surrey)酒店及旅游管理学院硕士,美国天普大学美-亚旅游酒店研究中心访问学者。曾在华侨城集团北京欢乐谷、英国Aviator酒店有过从业经历。

联系方式 Email: xueruiliu@seu.edu.cn

Area of Research Interest研究方向              • 旅游者行为             • 旅游市场

                                                                            • 旅游决策               • 信息技术

Area of Teaching Expertise教学工作           •      旅游市场策划           • 旅游战略管理

                                                                            •      旅游信息技术战略

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles发表论文

Liu, X., Mehraliyev, F., Liu, C. & Schuckert, M. (2020) The Roles of Social Media in Tourists’ Choices of Travel Components. Tourist Studies.20(1), 27-48.

Liu, X. & Pratt, S. (2019) The Downton Abbey Effect in Film-Induced Tourism: An Empirical Examination of TV Drama-induced Tourism Motivation at Heritage Attractions. Tourism Analysis.24(4), 497-515.

International Conferences国际会议论文

Liu, X., Mehraliyev, F., Liu, C. & Schuckert, M. (2019) What Affects Tourists’ Use of Social Media in Decision Making Regarding Travel Components? The 24th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism. Houston, Texas, the US, January 3-6.

Liu, X. & Wang, D. (2018) The Role of Mobile Internet in Tourists’ Unplanned Behaviour During Trip. The APTA (Asia Pacific Tourism Association) Annual Conference 2018. Mactan (Cebu), Philippines, July 3-6.

Mehraliyev, F., Liu, X., Liu, C. & Schuckert, M. (2017) The Role of User-Generated Content in Six Travel Components. The 3rd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference. Hong Kong, June 5-7.

Liu, X. (2015) The role of television drama in motivating audience to travel: A case study of Downton Abbey and Highclere Castle. The 5th International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality between China-Spain. Tianjin, China, September 3-5.


刘雪蕊. 主题公园发展分析与展望,《中国文化旅游发展报告2019-2020[M]北京:中国旅游出版社,2021

中国旅游研究院. 《中国旅游景区发展报告(2015)》[M]北京:旅游教育出版社,2015(编委会委员)



2018 -2019 美国天普大学WTTC项目 – “Mobile Payments in Travel& Tourism: Unlocking The Potential,主要参与者。

2016 – 2018 香港理工大学RGC项目 – “Conceptualizing Decision-making in Motion” (Project No. 25604915),主要参与者。

2016中国旅游研究院 温州城市旅游品质提升研究项目,主要参与者。

2015 中国旅游研究院 西藏纳木措景区旅游发展总体规划项目,主要参与者。